Our Work

Increasing Student Access to Quality Education

CRED supports students by providing access to quality education in rural and Indigenous communities. This includes distributing learning materials, implementing mother tongue-based education, and developing localized curricula that reflect the cultural and linguistic needs of Indigenous students. CRED also addresses barriers to education, such as financial obstacles, by supporting scholarships and reducing school fees.

Developing Teachers Capacities

CRED enhances teacher capacity through in-service and pre-service training programs that focus on pedagogical skills, culturally relevant teaching methods, and curriculum alignment. Teacher stipends are also provided to improve retention, and ongoing professional development ensures educators are equipped to handle the unique challenges of teaching in remote, underserved areas.

Strengthening School Management Committees (SMC) & Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs)

CRED builds the capacity of School Management Committees (SMCs) and Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) by offering training and guidance in school governance, leadership, and community engagement. This ensures local communities have the skills and knowledge to oversee school operations, foster partnerships, and advocate for their educational needs.

Mobilizing Indigenous Communities

CRED plays a vital role in community development by mobilizing rural and Indigenous communities around the importance of education. Through grassroots outreach and engagement, CRED fosters awareness of how education can transform lives and break cycles of poverty. By working directly with community leaders, parents, and local organizations, CRED helps to overcome barriers such as financial constraints and limited access to schools. The initiative empowers communities to advocate for educational opportunities, ensuring children, especially from marginalized groups, have access to quality education and a brighter future.

Strengthening Local Organizations and Systems

CRED works with local Indigenous organizations to strengthen education systems by building leadership and organizational capacity. This includes providing technical support, enhancing organizational development, and facilitating collaboration between local groups to create sustainable, community-led education solutions.

Advocating for the Education Rights of Indigenous Peoples

CRED advocates for the education rights of Indigenous peoples by engaging in evidence-based policy and advocacy efforts. Through collaboration with government entities and international organizations, CRED promotes inclusive, equitable education policies that recognize the rights of Indigenous children to access quality, culturally relevant education.